frill | n ornamental edging on dress etc, ropol: her dress had ~s edging the collar and cuffs, bajunya beropol di tepi kolar dan manset; /with no, without/ ~s, (unembellished) tdk berbunga-bunga; (without accessories) tanpa alat tambah; (simple) sederhana: a speech with no ~s, ucapan yg tdk berbunga-bunga; he prefers a car without ~s, dia lebih menyukai kereta tanpa alat tambah; a presentation of “Hamlet” without the ~s, persembahan “Hamlet” yg sederhana. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
emotion | n emosi, perasaan: he spoke without showing any ~, dia bercakap tanpa menunjukkan sebarang emosi; love, hatred and grief are ~s, cinta, benci dan sedih ialah perasaan; his speech had an effect on our ~s, ucapannya berkesan thdp emosi kami; you must keep your ~s under control, kamu mesti mengawal perasaan kamu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interest | have so’s ~s at heart, mengambil berat ttg kepentingan sso; 5. money charged or paid for the use of money, faedah, bunga: high ~ rates, kadar faedah yg tinggi; an ~-free loan, pinjaman tanpa faedah; he had to pay 10% ~ on the loan, dia dikehendaki membayar faedah 10% atas pinjaman tersebut; 6. share in business etc, kepentingan: his ~ in the business is very small, kepentingannya dlm perniagaan itu sangat sedikit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
day | call it a ~, (colloq), [various translations]: they loaded up the last truck and then called it a ~, mereka memuati trak yg akhir lalu berhenti bekerja utk hari itu; I think I’ll call it a ~ and go home, baiklah saya berhenti dan pulang; he has served four terms: it’s about time he calls it a ~, dia telah berkhidmat selama empat penggal: sudah tiba masanya dia mengundurkan diri; early in the ~, masih terlalu awal; end o’s ~s, menghabiskan hari-hari terakhir sso; from ~ to ~, from one ~ to the next, dr (se)hari ke (se)hari: he lives from ~ to ~ without any thought of the future, dia hidup dr hari ke hari tanpa memikirkan masa depan; have had /its, so’s/ ~, zaman kegemilangan sso sudah berlalu: he was at one time a popular singer but he has had his ~, pd suatu masa dahulu dia penyanyi yg popular tetapi zaman kegemilangannya sudah berlalu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brick | n 1. rectangular block for building purposes, (batu) bata: a house made of red ~s, rumah yg dibuat drpd bata merah; a ~ wall, tembok bata; 2. block (of st) bata: a ~ of ice, sebata ais; 3. (UK) child’s rectangular block, bongkah; 4. (sl) good, helpful person, (orang yg) baik betul; 5. see BRICK RED; /knock, hit, run/ o’s head against a ~ wall, membuat kerja yg sia-sia; come down on so. like a ton of ~s, mengamuk dgn sso: when he found out that we had broken his window, he came down on us like a ton of ~s, apabila dia dapat tahu kami telah memecahkan cermin tingkapnya, dia mengamuk dgn kami; drop a ~, (sl) buat silap; make ~s without straw, membuat kerja tanpa bahan yg cukup; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |