old wives’ tale | n cerita karut: don’t listen to those ~s , jangan dengar cerita karut itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
credit | vt 1. believe, mempercayai: how could you ~ such a wild story, bagaimana kamu boleh mempercayai cerita karut itu; 2. enter on credit side of an account, mengkreditkan: the amount has been ~ed to your account, wang itu telah dikreditkan ke dlm akaun saudara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
nonsensical | adj absurd, karut: he spun me some ~ story about inheriting a fortune from a long-lost uncle, dia membuat cerita karut bahawa dia mewarisi harta drpd bapa saudaranya yg sudah lama menghilangkan diri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
swallow 1 | 2. believe, accept with ready credibility, percaya, terima bulat-bulat: don’t tell me you ~ed that absurd story, jangan beritahu saya kamu percaya bulat-bulat cerita karut itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
piece | 8. instance of luck or impudence etc, [not translated]: what a ~ of impertinence!, kurang ajarnya!; meeting her so unexpectedly was a real ~ of good luck, betul-betul bernasib baik berjumpa dgn dia tanpa disangka-sangka; 9. a. short written statement, article, rencana; (of news) berita: one of the young author’s better ~s, salah satu drpd rencana terbaik pengarang muda itu; did you see the ~ in the paper about the President?, adakah kamu membaca berita ttg Presiden dlm akhbar?; b. literary work, karya: the play was a delightful ~ of nonsense, drama itu ialah sebuah cerita karut yg | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
marine | the M~s, Angkatan Tentera Marin; tell it to the M~s, karut, omong kosong: don’t expect me to believe that story. Tell it to the M~s!, jangan harap saya akan mempercayai cerita itu. Karut!. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stark | 5. sheer, absolute, betul(-betul), benar-benar: the story is ~ nonsense, cerita itu betul-betul karut; it would be ~ madness to consider taking such an action, betul-betul gila jika bercadang utk mengambil tindakan begitu; 6. see STARK-NAKED; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rubbish | n 1. waste material, refuse, sampah(-sarap): the household ~ is collected twice a week, sampah rumah dipungut dua kali seminggu; a heap of garden ~, setimbun sampah laman; a ~ dump, tempat longgok sampah; 2. useless, trivial things, benda yg tdk berguna: the children spend their money on ~, budak-budak itu membelanjakan wang mereka membeli benda-benda yg tdk berguna; 3. nonsense, approp n + yg /bukan-bukan, karut/: I don’t know why you listen to such ~, saya tdk tahu mengapa kamu mendengar cerita yg bukan-bukan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |