undetectable | adj tdk dapat dikesan: these organisms are ~ without the use of a microscope, organisma-organisma yg tdk dapat dikesan tanpa mengguna mikroskop. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
organism | n organisma: bacteria are minute ~s not visible to the naked eye, bakteria ialah organisma seni yg tdk dapat dilihat dgn mata kasar; to think of society as an ~, menganggap masyarakat sbg suatu organisma. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
submicroscopic | adj submikroskopik: ~ organisms, organisma submikroskopik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
utilize | vt menggunakan: the organism is able to ~ oxygen, organisma itu boleh menggunakan oksigen; to ~ the services of various agencies, menggunakan perkhidmatan pelbagai agensi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
imperceptible | adj tdk dapat dilihat: an organism so small that it is ~ to the naked eye, organisma yg begitu kecil sehingga tdk dapat dilihat dgn mata asar; the difference is ~ to him, perbezaan itu tdk dapat dilihat olehnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tolerant | 2. able to endure heat, physical stress, etc, boleh tahan: the organism is ~ of extreme cold, organisma itu boleh tahan sejuk yg amat sangat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sensitive | adj 1. perceptive to stimuli or changes, peka, sensitif; (producing adverse effects) sensitif: the organisms are ~ to changes in temperature, organisma itu peka pd perubahan suhu; his ~ ear can catch the slightest sound, telinganya yg peka boleh menangkap bunyi yg sangat perlahan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
invisible | adj 1. cannot be seen, tdk dapat dilihat; (of st imaginary, non-existent) halimunan, limunan, tdk dapat dilihat: the organism is ~ to the naked eye, organisma itu tdk dapat dilihat dgn mata kasar; an ~ hair net, jaring rambut yg tdk dapat dilihat; due to the thick fog, the mountain is ~ from here, kabut yg tebal menyebabkan gunung itu tdk dapat dilihat dr sini; the little girl seemed to be having a lively conversation with some ~ person, budak perempuan itu nampaknya sedang rancak berbual dgn orang yg tdk dapat dilihat; rumours about the ~ man began to circulate in the little village, cerita ttg orang limunan itu mula tersebar di kampung tersebut; 2. (econ) tak nampak: ~ export, eksport tak nampak; ~ earnings, perolehan tak nampak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
viability | n 1. feasibility, daya maju: the commercial ~ of the project, daya maju komersil projek itu; 2. (biol) ability to develop and survive, kebolehhidupan: freezing does not affect the ~ of the organism, takat sejuk beku tdk mempengaruhi kebolehhidupan organisma itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
living | adj 1. being alive, masih hidup: after the war she had no ~ relatives left, selepas peperangan itu dia tdk lagi mempunyai saudara-mara yg masih hidup; ~ legend, legenda hidup; 2. a. (of language) in use, (masih) hidup: English is a ~ language, bahasa Inggeris ialah bahasa yg hidup; b. active, still practised, tdk pudar: a ~ faith, kepercayaan yg tdk pudar; 3. possessing characteristics of life, hidup: he did a study on ~ organisms, dia membuat kajian ttg organisma hidup; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |