limpid | adj 1. clear, transparent, a.(of liquid, eye) jernih, bening, hening: a shallow ~ stream, anak sungai yg cetek dan jernih; the cat’s eyes were like ~ pools, mata kucing itu spt kolam yg jernih; b. (of sky, air) bersih: sunny ~ skies, langit yg cerah dan bersih; 2. (of speech, prose) easy to understand, jelas: expressed in simple and ~ prose, disampaikan dlm bentuk prosa yg mudah dan jelas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
limpid | adj 1. clear, transparent, a.(of liquid, eye) jernih, bening, hening: a shallow ~ stream, anak sungai yg cetek dan jernih; the cat’s eyes were like ~ pools, mata kucing itu spt kolam yg jernih; b. (of sky, air) bersih: sunny ~ skies, langit yg cerah dan bersih; 2. (of speech, prose) easy to understand, jelas: expressed in simple and ~ prose, disampaikan dlm bentuk prosa yg mudah dan jelas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pellucid | adj (liter.) 1. jernih: the ~ pool, kolam yg jernih airnya; 2. (fig.) jelas: ~ writing, penulisan yg jelas; ~ prose, prosa yg jelas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crystalline | adj 1. (liter.) jernih: the ~ sky, langit yg jernih; 2. (tech) berhablur, habluran: ~ precipitate, mendakan berhablur; ~ rock, batuan hablur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clear | vi 1. become transparent, not turbid, menjadi jernih: the muddy water ~ed after the rain, air yg keruh itu menjadi jernih selepas hujan; 2. become unclouded, less severe, menjadi cerah; (of fog, mist, etc) menjadi tipis; (of storm) mereda: the sky ~ed, langit menjadi cerah; 3. (of face, countenance, etc) cerah, jernih: his face ~ed when he heard the good news, air mukanya cerah apabila mendengar berita baik itu; 4. disappear, hilang: this rash will ~ in a few days, ruam ini akan hilang dlm beberapa hari; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crystal | adj (liter.) transparent, jernih: the ~ waters of the lake, air tasik yg jernih; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clear | 10. (of air) clean, bersih; 11. (of eyes) jernih: ~ blue eyes, mata biru yg jernih; 12. unobstructed, tdk berhalangan; (of view), (dgn) jelas: there is a ~ road ahead now, jalan di hadapan tdk berhalangan; as we are on the sixteenth floor, we have a ~ view of the harbour, krn kami berada di tingkat enam belas, kami dapat melihat pelabuhan dgn jelas; be ~ of, tdk dihalang: the sea is ~ of ice at this time of year, pd waktu ini laut tdk dihalang ais; 13. free from cloud, rain, etc, cerah: on a ~ day you can see Genting Highlands, pd hari yg cerah kita dapat melihat Genting Highlands; ~ skies, langit cerah; 14. (of eyesight) terang; 15. without blemish, bersih: a young girl of ~ complexion, gadis sunti yg bersih kulitnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clear | 8. not muddled, perceptive, jelas: ~ thinking, fikiran yg jelas; for so. her age, she has a remarkably ~ mind, bagi sso yg berumur sepertinya, fikirannya sangat jelas; my memory is quite ~ on the point, ingatan saya jelas ttg perkara itu; 9. transparent, not turbid, jernih: ~ glass, kaca jernih; the solution becomes ~ when heated, larutan itu menjadi jernih apabila dipanaskan; ~ plastic bottles, botol-botol plastik jernih; the ~ water of the lake, air tasik yg jernih; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
consomme | n sup jernih. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clarify | vi become clear, menjadi jernih; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |