ground 1 | pesaing-pesaing kita; get off the ~, a. (of an aircraft) naik; b. (fig.) mula bergerak: at last, the much publicised project is getting off the ~, akhirnya, projek yg mendapat banyak publisiti itu mula bergerak; go to ~, menyembunyikan diri: the criminal went to ~ when he heard the police were after him, penjenayah itu menyembunyikan diri apabila mendengar pihak polis sedang mencarinya; /hold, stand, keep/ o’s ~, (lit. & fig.) tdk berganjak: he held his ~ though he was threatened with dismissal, dia tdk berganjak walaupun diugut akan dibuang kerja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
undersell | vt 1. sell at lower price than, menjual pd harga lebih rendah drpd: chain stores that ~ their small competitors, kedai berangkai yg menjual pd harga lebih rendah drpd pesaing-pesaing kecilnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pass | 2. overtake,memotong: why don’t you ~ that car, it’s far too slow,mengapa kamu tidak memotong sahaja kereta itu, kereta itu terlampau perlahan; the runner managed to ~ the other competitors early in the seventh lap, pelari itu dapat memotong pesaing-pesaing lain pd permulaan pusingan ketujuh; 3. run, lead, melalukan: the cord under the carpet and lead it round the edge of the room, lalukan tali itu di bawah permaidani dan salurkannya di keliling tepi bilik itu; 4. cause (st) to move in specified direction or perform specified action, [various translations]: ~ the needle through the material, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
outstrip | vt 1. pass (so.) in race etc, memotong: he was ~ped by one of the bigger boys, dia dipotong oleh budak yg lebih besar; 2. surpass, exceed, melebihi: he’s likely to ~ his elder brother in studies, dia berkemungkinan dapat melebihi abangnya dlm pelajaran; we hope to be able to ~ our competitors, kami berharap kami dapat melebihi pesaing-pesaing kami. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rival | n (of person) pesaing; (of thing) saingan, tandingan: the two men are ~s in business, kedua-dua orang lelaki itu ialah pesaing dlm perniagaan; wool has no ~ for warmth and lightness, benang bulu tdk ada saingan dr segi keringanan dan keupayaannya memberikan kehangatan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
diminish | vt 1. make less, mengurangkan: the government’s move to nationalize industries has diminished its popularity, langkah kerajaan utk memiliknegarakan industri telah mengurangkan kepopularannya; the long winter ~ed the country’s food supply, musim sejuk yg berpanjangan telah mengurangkan bekalan makanan di negara itu; 2. cause to appear less important, make smaller, mengecilkan: his political rivals were determined to ~ all his economic reforms, pesaing-pesaing politiknya berazam utk mengecilkan semua reformasi ekonominya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jump | successful, dia selalu mendahului pesaing-pesaingnya dan mungkin inilah sebabnya mengapa dia begitu berjaya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
competitor | n 1. rival, pesaing; 2. contestant, peserta. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
buy | ~ up, membeli: a rival company made a bid to ~ up the chain of food stores, sebuah syarikat pesaing telah membuat bida utk membeli rangkaian kedai barang makanan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
splinter | ~ off, keluar dr + approp n: they ~ed off to form a rival group, mereka keluar dr parti utk membentuk kumpulan pesaing. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |