insistent | adj 1. persistent, resolute, a. (of person) berkeras + approp v; (habitually) suka mendesak: the doctor was ~ about the necessity for complete rest, doktor itu berkeras mengatakan perlunya pesakit tersebut betul-betul berehat; she was ~ that we have dinner at her house, dia berkeras meminta kami makan malam di rumahnya; you know how ~ she can be, kamu tentu tahu betapa dia suka mendesak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
insist | vt 1. maintain positively, esp in the face of opposition, berkeras mengatakan, menegaskan: he ~ed that someone had framed him, dia berkeras mengatakan bahawa ada orang yg telah menaniayanya; 2. demand (that st must be done) mendesak, hendakkan, mahukan; (foll indirect speech) mendesak: she ~d that he should leave at once, dia mendesak supaya lelaki itu pergi pd masa itu juga; “you must come,” she ~ed, “kamu mesti datang,” dia mendesak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inexorable | adj (fml) 1. that cannot be prevented from continuing, tdk dapat disekat: he proceeded with ~ logic to demolish her argument, dia terus dgn pengupasan logik yg tdk dapat disekat utk mematahkan hujah wanita itu; the ~ rise in the price of building materials, kenaikan harga bahan bangunan yg tdk dapat disekat; 2. (of person) relentless, berkeras: she pleaded with him but he was ~, dia merayu kpd lelaki itu tetapi dia berkeras; an ~ opponent, pihak lawan yg berkeras. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intimate 1 | 2. deeply personal, terlalu peribadi; (of thoughts) mendalam: she insisted on telling me the ~ details of her life, dia berkeras utk menceritakan perkara-perkara yg terlalu peribadi ttg dirinya; the ~ nature of their conversation embarrassed him, perbualan mereka yg bersifat terlalu peribadi itu menyebabkan dia berasa malu; the diary reveals his most ~ thoughts and feelings, buku harian itu memaparkan fikiran dan perasaannya yg mendalam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lady | n 1. woman of good breeding and social status, wanita drpd keluarga atasan; 2. well-mannered woman, wanita (yg) baik-baik: she’s certainly not a ~ judging by the way she behaves, drpd tingkah lakunya jelas bahawa dia bukan wanita baik-baik; 3. (in polite use) woman, wanita: I’ll ask the ~ upstairs to water my plant, saya akan meminta tolong wanita di tingkat atas menyiram bunga saya; she’s insisted on being seen by a ~ doctor, dia berkeras hendak berjumpa doktor wanita sahaja; 4. (as form of address) a. (fml) puan: ladies and gentlemen, may I begin by saying..., tuan-tuan dan puan-puan, terlebih dahulu saya mengucapkan...; b. (colloq) mak cik, kak: hey ~, you left your bag behind, kak, kak tertinggal beg; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |