fall | ~ for, a. fall in love with, jatuh hati: all the girls ~ for him, semua budak perempuan itu jatuh hati padanya; b. be deceived by, terpedaya dgn: many people fell for his story, banyak orang terpedaya dgn ceritanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crush | have a ~ on so., jatuh hati pd sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heart | in o’s ~ (of ~s), dlm hati kecil: he knew in his ~ of ~s that she would never betray him, dlm hati kecilnya dia tahu bahawa wanita itu tdk akan mengkhianatinya; /learn, know/ st by ~, menghafal sst; lose ~, putus asa; lose o’s ~, jatuh /hati, cinta/; /near, close, dear/ to o’s ~, menjadi tumpuan sso: the library project is close to his ~, projek perpustakaan itu menjadi tumpuannya; o’s ~ stands still, /kering, tersirap, berderau/ darah sso: my ~ stood still when I saw the children’s boat capsized, kering darah saya apabila melihat bot kanak-kanak itu terbalik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
amusement | in ~, geli hati: his sister listened in ~ as he told her the joke, kakaknya geli hati mendengar jenaka yg diceritakannya; to so’s ~, geli hati: to his friends’ ~ he slipped and fell on the ice, rakan-rakannya geli hati melihat dia tergelincir dan jatuh ke atas air batu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bottom | ~ up, dlm keadaan telungkup: the boat was floating ~ up, bot itu terapung-apung dlm keadaan telungkup; at ~, sebenarnya: at ~, he is a kind man, sebenarnya dia baik hati; bet o’s ~ dollar, (sl) berani bertaruh habis-habisan; from the ~ of o’s heart, dr /lubuk hati, hati sanubari/ sso; knock the ~ out of st, membuktikan kepalsuan sst; start at the ~ (of the ladder), bermula dr bawah; touch ~, a. /mencecah, menjejak/ dasar /laut, sungai, dll/; b. (fig.) jatuh ke lembah /penderitaan, kemiskinan, dll/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
into | prep 1. (used with verbs such as “dive”, “fall”, “jump”, “pour”, “put”, etc), (indic movement from the outside to the inside, from particular physical condition to one that is different) a. (gen) ke dalam: if you’re not careful you’ll fall ~ the drain, jika kamu tdk hati-hati kamu akan jatuh ke dalam longkang; she poured the rest of it ~ my glass, dia menuangkan bakinya ke dalam gelas saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | dia menghancurkan hati gadis itu; he knew his action would make or ~ him, dia sedar bahawa tindakannya itu akan memajukan atau menghancurkannya; 10. check, menahan: a small bush broke his fall, pokok renek menahan dia dr jatuh; the mole ~s the impact of the waves, tembok itu menahan pukulan ombak; 11. (in sport) better, memecahkan rekod; (record) memecahkan: he was the first man to ~ 4 minutes for the mile, dia orang yg pertama memecahkan rekod 4 minit bagi lumba lari satu batu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | ~ down, a. descend, turun: be careful when you ~ down the stairs, berhati-hati apabila kamu turun tangga; b. become lower, turun: his temperature went down, suhu badannya turun; the price didn’t ~ down, harganya tdk turun; c. sink, tenggelam, terbenam: the ship went down during the storm, kapal itu tenggelam semasa ribut; the sun went down behind the mountains, matahari terbenam di balik gunung; d. fall to the ground, jatuh: the plane went down in the thick fog, kapal terbang itu jatuh dlm kabut tebal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
face | b. despite, /meskipun, sungguhpun, walaupun/ menghadapi: he succeeded in the ~ of difficulties, dia berjaya meskipun menghadapi kesukaran; keep a straight ~, menahan /senyum, ketawa/, menyembunyikan rasa geli hati; laugh in so’s ~, mentertawakan sso; look so. in the ~, /memandang (ke) muka, menenung, merenung/ sso: since that episode at the club, I just cannot look him in the ~, selepas episod di kelab itu, saya tdk dapat memandang mukanya; lose ~, jatuh air muka, (mendapat) malu; /make, pull/ /a ~, ~s/, membuat muka; meet so. ~ to ~, /bertemu muka, bersemuka/ dgn sso; on the ~, (pd) muka: the shrapnel struck him on the ~, serpihan dr letupan itu terkena mukanya; on the ~ of it, pd /zahirnya, lahirnya/: on the ~ of it, the problem looks easy, pada zahirnya masalah itu kelihatan mudah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bankrupt | adj 1. insolvent, bankrap, muflis: the company has been declared ~, syarikat itu telah diisytiharkan bankrap; go ~, jatuh bankrap; 2. lacking, bereft (in or of some quality) ketandusan, ketiadaan [sst] sama sekali: spiritually ~, ketandusan rohani; be ~ /in, of /, ketandusan, ketiadaan [sst] sama sekali: ~ of all kind feelings, ketiadaan perasaan murah hati sama sekali; ~ of ideas, ketandusan idea; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |