downfall | n 1. failure, ruin, kejatuhan: the ~ of the military government, kejatuhan kerajaan tentera; 2. cause of failure, ruin, /punca, sebab/ kejatuhan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
collapse | n 1. falling down or in (of structure) keruntuhan, robohnya, runtuh, roboh; 2. sudden fall or failure, a. (of price, market, business enterprise, etc) kejatuhan, jatuh: the ~ of the franc, kejatuhan franc; the ~ of the share market in 1939, kejatuhan pasaran saham pd tahun 1939; a country whose economy is on the verge of ~, sebuah negara yg hampir mengalami kejatuhan ekonomi; b. (of project, plan, peace talk, etc) kegagalan; (of hopes) musnah, hancur; 3. breakdown, keruntuhan: a nervous ~, keruntuhan saraf; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appreciable | adjagak /jelas, ketara, nyata/: an ~ drop in sales, kejatuhan hasil jualan yg agak jelas; there has been no ~ change in the state of the economy, tdk terdapat perubahan yg agak ketara dlm keadaan ekonomi; an ~ loss of confidence in the management, hilangnya kepercayaan dgn agak nyata thdp pihak pengurusan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
eventual | adj akhirnya + approp v: the ~ downfall of the government, kejatuhan kerajaan yg akhirnya berlaku; his foolish spending and ~ bankruptcy, perbelanjaannya yg sia-sia dan kemuflisan yg berlaku akhirnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
knell | vt (fig.) menandakan: to ~ the downfall of the tyrant, menandakan kejatuhan pemerintah kuku besi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
death-warrant | n 1. breaking up of ice, debakel; 2. complete failure, kegagalan yg teruk: the multi-million dollar film was a ~, filem yg memakan belanja berjuta-juta dolar itu merupakan satu kegagalan yg teruk; 3. sudden collapse, kejatuhan [sst] yg tiba-tiba: the Wall Street ~ of 1929, kejatuhan pasaran saham Wall Street yg tiba-tiba dlm tahun 1929; 4. general, violent dispersion, huru-hara. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
anticipated | 8. pay (bill etc) before due date, membayar sebelum waktunya; 9. cause to happen earlier, mempercepat: the spread of revolutionary ideas ~d the downfall of the monarchy, tersebarnya idea-idea revolusi mempercepat kejatuhan pemerintahan beraja; 10. consider in advance, memikirkan terlebih dahulu: to ~ problems that may arise, memikirkan terlebih dahulu masalah yg mungkin timbul; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
anticipate | 8. pay (bill etc) before due date, membayar sebelum waktunya; 9. cause to happen earlier, mempercepat: the spread of revolutionary ideas ~d the downfall of the monarchy, tersebarnya idea-idea revolusi mempercepat kejatuhan pemerintahan beraja; 10. consider in advance, memikirkan terlebih dahulu: to ~ problems that may arise, memikirkan terlebih dahulu masalah yg mungkin timbul; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fall | 9. decrease in amount, value, etc, penurunan: a ~ in the level of water in the dam, penurunan paras air di empangan itu; a ~ in land prices is anticipated, penurunan harga tanah diduga; a sharp ~ in the number of tourists visiting the country, penurunan yg meruncing dlm bilangan pelancong yg melawat negara itu; 10. (of town, city) penawanan; 11. collapse, kejatuhan: the ~ of the Roman Empire, kejatuhan Empayar Rom; 12. number of animals at birth, sekali lahir: a good ~ of lambs, banyak biri-biri sekali lahir; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crash | n 1. loud, shattering noise, (of glassware, crockery, etc breaking) bunyi derang; (of thunder, guns, etc booming) dentuman, bunyi dentum; (of tree falling) bunyi derak: 2. violent accident, kemalangan, nahas: a train ~, kemalangan kereta api; his parents were killed in a plane ~, ibu bapanya terkorban dlm nahas kapal terbang; 3. collapse, (of share market, business) kejatuhan: the Wall Street ~, kejatuhan pasaran saham Wall Street; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |