hardness | n 1. firmness, kekerasan; (of muscles, body, etc) kepejalan, kekerasan: the ~ of his muscles, kekerasan otot-ototnya; 2. forcefulness, kuatnya; 3. quality of being difficult, sukarnya, susahnya, kesukaran: the ~ of memorizing French verbs, kesukaran menghafaz kata kerja bahasa Perancis; 4. difficulty of endurance, kesusahan: the ~ of life in the outback, kesusahan hidup di kawasan pedalaman; 5. severity, teruknya; 6. (of voice) kekerasan; 7. (of water) keliatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forcible | adj 1. involving force, menggunakan kekerasan: they had no choice but to make a ~ entry into the factory where the suspects were hiding, mereka tdk ada pilihan lain kecuali menggunakan kekerasan utk memasuki kilang tempat orang-orang yg disyaki itu bersembunyi; 2. very powerful, mengesankan; 3. convincing and powerful, tegas dan meyakinkan: ~ arguments, hujah-hujah yg tegas dan meyakinkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gunboat diplomacy | n diplomasi disertai kekerasan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
advocacy | n sokongan: Gandhi’s ~ of the policy of non-violence, sokongan Gandhi thdp dasar tanpa kekerasan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brute | adj without reason or intelligence, tdk berakal: ~ creatures, makhluk yg tdk berakal; ~ beast, haiwan yg tdk berakal; ~ /strength, force/, keganasan, kekerasan: the gang used ~ force on their victims, kumpulan jahat itu menggunakan keganasan thdp mangsanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cow 2 | vt (act.) menakutkan; (pass.) takut: the Colonel was not ~ed by threats of violence, Kolonel itu tdk takut dgn ancaman kekerasan; ~ so. into submission, menakutkan sso supaya mengalah; ~ so’s spirits, melemahkan semangat sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
by | 11. through the means or instrumentality, etc of, dengan: he finds it hard to make a living ~ writing, dia mendapati sukar mencari nafkah dengan menulis; the town was taken ~ force, bandar itu ditawan dengan kekerasan; he was put to death ~ the sword, dia dihukum mati dengan dipancung; the device is operated ~ electricity, alat itu digerakkan dengan tenaga elektrik; this is made ~ hand, ini dibuat dengan tangan; he succeeded ~ working hard, dia berjaya dengan bekerja keras; to pay ~ cheque, membayar dengan cek; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
acerbity | n (fml) bitterness, a. (of criticism, remark, etc) kepedasan, ketajaman: a smile that did little to soften the ~ of the remark, senyuman yg tdk dapat melembutkan kepedasan kata-katanya; b. (of tone) keras, kekerasan: to speak with a certain ~, bercakap dgn nada yg agak keras; c. (of person, manner) sifat perengus: his ~ did not endear him to his colleagues, sifat perengusnya merenggangkan perhubungannya dgn teman-temannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
force | n 1. strength, might, kekuatan; (exerted by blow, wind, etc) kuatnya, kekuatan: he used all his ~ to break open the door, dia menggunakan seluruh kekuatannya utk memecahkan pintu itu; the ~ of her personality, kekuatan keperibadiannya; the ~ of his arguments, kekuatan hujah-hujahnya; the ~ of the gale ripped tiles off the roof, kuatnya ribut menerbangkan genting dr bumbung; 2. coercion, violence, kekerasan: the riot was quelled by ~, rusuhan itu ditumpaskan dgn kekerasan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
force | the ~s, angkatan bersenjata; /by, from /~ of habit, terbiasa: by sheer ~ of habit he switched off the light as he went out, semata-mata krn terbiasa dia mematikan lampu sewaktu keluar; come into ~, dikuatkuasakan: the new law will come into ~ in June, undang-undang baru itu akan dikuatkuasakan dlm bulan Jun; in ~, a. in large numbers, dlm bilangan yg /ramai, banyak/: the enemy invaded in ~, musuh menyerbu dlm bilangan yg banyak; b. (leg.) berkuatkuasa: the 1850 law is still in ~, undang-undang 1850 itu masih berkuatkuasa; in full ~, seluruh + approp n: the Johnsons attended the wedding in full ~, seluruh keluarga Johnson menghadiri majlis perkahwinan itu; join ~s, bergabung, /bersatu, berpadu/ tenaga; to use ~ on so., menggunakan kekerasan thdp sso, mengerasi sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |