frontier | n 1. border, sempadan, perbatasan: they were stopped at the Russian ~, mereka ditahan di sempadan Rusia; ~ town, bandar perbatasan; 2. (often in pl) sempadan: the ~s of medicine are being constantly extended, sempadan ilmu perubatan sentiasa diganjakkan ke depan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
boundary | n sempadan; (of knowledge) batas: the stream forms a ~ between his land and mine, sungai itu menjadi sempadan di antara tanahnya dgn tanah saya; ~ line, garis sempadan; beyond the ~ of human knowledge, di luar batas pengetahuan manusia. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bound3 | n 1. (usu in pl) limit of territory, sempadan: buildings within the ~s of the university, bangunan-bangunan dlm sempadan universiti; 2. limit or restraint, batas, batasan: it goes beyond the ~s of probability, itu melampaui batasan kemungkinan; ~s of modesty, batasan kesantunan; 3. (math) batas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
border | n 1. edge, part near it, tepi, pinggir: on the ~s of the lake, di tepi tasik; 2. boundary, sempadan: the mountains on the ~ of Italy and Austria, gunung-gunung di sempadan Itali dan Austria; 3. region that lies along boundary line, sempadan, perbatasan; 4. ornamental design around, a. (printed page) birai hias; b. (dinner plate) tepi; c. (fabric, garment, shawl, rug, etc) sibar-sibar: the handkerchief had a lace ~, sapu tangan itu mempunyai sibar-sibar renda; 5. long narrow garden bed along edge of garden, path, etc, batas: a ~ of rose bushes along the driveway, sebatas pokok mawar di sepanjang jalan kereta itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
borderline | n sempadan, batas; be on the ~ between... and..., (fig.) antara... dgn...: his results show he is on the ~ between passing and failing, keputusannya menunjukkan bahawa dia berada antara lulus dgn gagal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
boundary layer | n lapisan sempadan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
climatic | adj iklim: ~ boundary, sempadan iklim; the ~ conditions here are favourable to fruit growing, keadaan iklim di sini sesuai utk penanaman buah-buahan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
borderland | n 1. daerah sempadan, perbatasan; 2. (fig.) perbatasan, batas: the ~ between fantasy and reality is sometimes difficult to define, perbatasan antara khayalan dan kenyataan kadangkala sukar ditentukan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fresh | is there any ~ news from the border?, ada berita baru dr sempadan?; the trees are putting out ~ shoots, pokok-pokok itu mengeluarkan pucuk baru; don’t sit on the bench; the paint is still ~, jangan duduk atas bangku itu; catnya masih basah; ~ from st, baru + approp v sst: the biscuits are ~ from the oven, biskut itu baru keluar dr ketuhar; a boy ~ from college, budak lelaki yg baru tamat universiti; 3. not worn by use, clean and bright, bersih: she put ~ sheets on the bed, dia membentangkan cadar bersih di atas katil itu; he put on a ~ shirt before going out, dia memakai kemeja bersih sebelum keluar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
incident | n event, peristiwa, kejadian: there have been several frontier ~s this month, beberapa peristiwa di sempadan telah berlaku dlm bulan ini; her books describe the ordinary ~s of everyday life, bukunya menceritakan kejadian-kejadian biasa dlm kehidupan sehari-hari; following the ~, the police tightened security in the area, berikutan kejadian itu, pihak polis mengetatkan awalan di tempat itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |