fall | ~ down, fall accidentally, terjatuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
itself | hurt ~, tercedera: the animal fell and hurt ~, binatang itu terjatuh dan tercedera; talk to ~, bercakap /sendiri, seorang diri/: the baby is talking to ~, bayi itu sedang bercakap seorang diri; b. (as obj of prep) approp n + nya: the cat can look after ~ for a few days, kucing itu boleh menjaga dirinya selama beberapa hari; with its tail wrapped around~, dgn ekornya melengkari badannya...; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fall | ~ down on; ~ down on o’s knees, fall accidentally on o’s knees, terjatuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drop | vt 1. <i>drip, menitikkan: to ~ the medicine into the eye, menitikkan ubat ke dlm mata; 2. cause to fall, menjatuhkan; (accidentally) terjatuh: the child ~ped the glass, budak itu menjatuhkan gelas itu; in her rush she ~ped her purse, dlm tergesa-gesa itu beg duitnya terjatuh; 3. let fall from aircraft, menggugurkan: supplies were ~ped by parachute, bekalan digugurkan dgn payung terjun; 4. leave out, menggugurkan: he ~s his “h’s” when he speaks, dia menggugurkan bunyi “h” semasa bercakap; to ~ a player from a team, menggugurkan seorang pemain drpd pasukan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | vi 1. shatter, pecah: the cup broke when she dropped it, cawan itu pecah apabila terjatuh dr tangannya; the windscreen broke, cermin depan kereta itu pecah; 2. also ~ up, split, berpecah: the party broke into a number of factions, parti itu berpecah menjadi beberapa puak; 3. become severed, putus: the mountaineer was killed when one of the ropes broke, pendaki gunung itu terbunuh apabila salah satu drpd tali itu putus; 4. snap, fracture, patah: the branch broke under his weight, dahan itu patah krn berat badannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bruise | vt 1. injure, a. (person ), (menjadi) lebam: the fall ~d his knees, lututnya lebam krn dia terjatuh; b. (fruit), (menjadi) /lebam, memar/; 2. inflict hurt on, melukakan: the remark ~d her feelings, kata-kata itu melukakan perasaannya; 3. crush, pound, menitik, menumbuk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
goner | n (colloq & old-fashioned), (sudah) habis: when I fell into the swift-flowing river I thought I was a ~, apabila saya terjatuh ke dlm sungai yg mengalir deras itu, saya ingat saya sudah habis; you’re a ~ if she catches you!, habislah kalau dia tangkap kamu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
concuss | vt (often pass.), (act.) menyebabkan [sso] terkonkus; (pass.) terkonkus: he fell from a tree and was badly ~ed, dia terjatuh dr pokok dan terkonkus dgn teruk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blind | he made a ~ choice on which course of action to take, dia membuat pilihan secara membabi buta ttg tindakan yg hendak diambilnya; 5. reckless, uncontrolled, terlalu: in his ~ haste he almost fell off the gangplank, krn terlalu tergesa-gesa dia hampir terjatuh dr titi sambung itu; ~ fury, terlalu marah; 6. performed by the use of instruments only, buta: a ~ landing, pendaratan buta; 7. hidden from sight, tersembunyi, tersorok: a ~ corner, selekoh tersembunyi; a ~ hinge, engsel tersembunyi; 8. closed at one end, mati, buntu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dash | vt 1. hurl, menghempaskan, membantingkan: she ~ed the glass to the floor, dia menghempaskan gelas itu ke lantai; a huge wave ~ed the boat against the cliff, ombak besar menghempaskan perahu itu ke tebing tinggi; 2. cause to break by striking, throwing, (act.) memecahkan; (pass.) pecah; (plants etc) merosakkan, membinasakan: the vase fell and was ~ed to pieces, jambangan itu terjatuh dan pecah berderai; seedlings ~ed by the rain, anak benih yg dirosakkan hujan; 3. knock, menghantukkan: he ~ed his head against the wall in anger, dia menghantukkan kepalanya ke dinding krn marah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |