first | ~ and foremost, pertama-tama, pertama sekali: he is ~ and foremost a poet, pertama sekali, dia pensyair; ~ and last, (fml) in every way, dr /segala, semua/ segi: my grand-father was ~ and last a Victorian patriarch, datuk saya, dr segala segi, ialah patriark zaman Victoria; ~ come, ~ served, siapa dulu dia dapat, tiba dahulu layan dahulu; ~ of all, a. before anything else, mula-mula, pertama sekali, terlebih /dahulu, dulu/; (fml) pertama-tama: ~ of all switch on the machine, mula-mula, hidupkan mesin; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
first | n & pron 1. a. (ref to person) orang (yg) pertama, yg pertama: was he the ~ to know?, diakah orang pertama yg tahu?; she was the ~ in her family to go to university, dia yg pertama dlm keluarganya yg memasuki universiti; b. (ref to other than person) yg pertama, [approp n + (yg) pertama]: the ~ of several newspapers published in the city, yg pertama antara beberapa akhbar yg diterbitkan di bandar itu; Hogarth’s new film – his ~ since the “The Red Slippers” – is attracting the crowds, filem Hogarth yg baru – filemnya yg pertama sejak “The Red Slippers” – menarik penonton yg ramai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
first | b. most importantly, pertama-tama, pertama sekali: he’s appeared in several films but ~ of all he’s a stage actor, dia muncul dlm beberapa filem tetapi pertama-tama, dia ialah pelakon pentas; c. initially, mula-mula: ~ of all I didn’t suspect anything, but as time went on I began to get worried, mula-mula saya tdk mengesyaki apa-apa tentangnya tetapi lama kelamaan saya mula bimbang; ~ off, mula-mula: ~ off I want to know what you want to spend it on, mula-mula saya hendak tahu kamu hendak membeli apa dengannya; at ~, mula-mula: at ~ I didn’t like durian but now I do, mula-mula saya tdk suka akan durian tetapi sekarang saya suka; last in, ~ out, masuk kemudian keluar dulu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
first | adj 1. preceding others in time or order, pertama; (of child in family) sulung, pertama; (of wife in polygamous marriage) pertama, tua: today is the ~ day of the month, hari ini hari pertama dlm bulan ini; their ~ child was a boy, anak sulung mereka lelaki; his ~ house, rumahnya yg pertama or rumah pertamanya; Charles the F~, Charles Pertama; the ~ time, pertama kali(nya), kali (yg) pertama: he succeeded the ~ time he tried, dia berjaya pertama kali dicubanya; the ~ of June, June the ~, satu hari bulan Jun, satu Jun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
place | if you were in my ~, I’m sure you would look at it differently, jika kamu berada di tempat saya, saya pasti kamu akan melihatnya dgn cara yg berbeza; in the first ~, a. (used in stating points in argument etc) pertama(nya), pertama sekali, pertama-tama: in the first ~, I disagree with your judgement of him, in the second..., pertama sekali, saya tdk bersetuju dgn penilaian kamu tentangnya, keduanya...; we decided to cancel the order; in the first ~, it’s too expensive, and in the second, do we really need it?, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
first | adv 1. before others, (yg) pertama: George recovered ~, Georgelah yg pertama sembuh; 2. before doing something else, (at beginning of sentence) pertama, lebih /dahulu, dulu/; (elsewhere in sentence), (lebih) /dahulu, dulu/: ~, I would like to discuss Safiah’s proposal, lebih dahulu saya ingin membincangkan syor Safiah; ~ you must renew your passport and then you must apply for a visa, pertama, encik mesti membarui pasport encik dan kemudian encik mesti memohon visa; I want to go to France next month but I’ll have to apply for a visa ~, saya ingin ke negeri Perancis bulan hadapan tetapi saya mesti memohon visa dahulu; let me finish my cigarette ~ and then we can go, biar saya habiskan rokok ini dulu dan selepas itu kita pergi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
first base | n 1. (baseball) tapak pertama; 2. first stage, peringkat pertama: the project didn’t even reach ~, projek itu tdk sampai pd peringkat pertama pun. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
first | at ~ sight the village appeared quite normal, sekali pandang, kampung itu kelihatan spt biasa; b. at first meeting, pd pandangan pertama: I disliked him at ~ sight, saya membencinya pd pandangan pertama; they fell in love at ~ sight, mereka jatuh cinta pd pandangan pertama; love at ~ sight, cinta pandang pertama; come ~, a. also come in ~, win the race, mendapat tempat pertama; (colloq) mendapat nombor satu: the Australian yacht came in ~, kapal layar Australia mendapat tempat pertama; b. receive priority, didahulukan, diutamakan: with him money always comes ~, bagi dia, wang selalu diutamakan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
first | 3. (when enumerating points etc) firstly, pertama(-tama): I have several reasons for resigning. F~ I need a change, saya mempunyai beberapa sebab utk meletakkan jawatan. Pertama, saya mahu bertukar angin; 4. for the first time, pertama kali(nya): this book was ~ published in 1923, buku ini pertama kalinya diterbitkan dalam tahun 1923; 5. at the beginning, mula-mula(nya): when we ~ arrived in Tokyo, we couldn’t speak a word of Japanese, semasa kami mula-mula tiba di Tokyo, kami tdk tahu sepatah pun kata bahasa Jepun; 6. in preference, (lebih) baik, biar: I’ll never help her again: I’ll die ~, saya tdk mahu menolongnya lagi: lebih baik saya mati; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
first-ever | adj pertama: the ~ Visit Malaysia Year, Tahun Melawat Malaysia yg pertama. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |