hard | <i>adji> 1. <i>firm, unyielding,i> keras; (<i>of body, muscle, etci>) pejal, keras: <i>the ground was ~ because of the drought,i> tanah itu keras akibat kemarau; <i>a ~ mattress,i> tilam yg keras; <i>~ muscles,i> otot yg pejal; 2. <i>severe, unkind,i> keras; (<i>of wordsi>) kasar: <i>his father was a ~ man,i> bapanya keras orangnya; be ~ on so., bersikap keras thdp sso; 3. <i>forceful,i> kuat: <i>a ~ blow on the head,i> pukulan yg kuat di kepala; 4. <i>performing st with great intensity, persistence, etc,i> kuat: <i>a ~ worker,i> orang yg kuat bekerja; <i>a ~ drinker,i> orang yg kuat minum arak; <i>a ~ smoker,i> orang yg kuat merokok; 5. <i>requiring much effort,i> berat: <i>~ work,i> kerja yg berat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
obstinate | <i>adji> 1. <i>stubborn,i> degil, keras kepala, keras hati, ketegar: <i>sometimes she can be so ~,i> kadang-kadang dia begitu degil; 2. <i>not easily subdued, overcome,i> nekad: <i>their ~ resistance to attack changed the course of the war,i> tentangan mereka yg nekad thdp serangan mengubah haluan peperangan itu; 3. (<i>of disease, illnessi>) <i>resisting treatment,i> sukar sembuh; (<i>of rash, sorei>) sukar baik: <i>an ~ cold,i> selesema yg sukar sembuh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
severely | <i>advi> 1. <i>harshly, sternlyi>, dgn keras; <i>(as is evident by o’s look)i> dgn pandangan yg keras: <i>minor offences were ~ punishedi>, kesalahan kecil dihukum dgn keras; <i>the old woman glared at me ~i>, perempuan tua itu memandang saya dgn pandangan yg keras; 2. <i>badlyi>, teruk; <i>(wounded, injured)i> parah: <i>the car was ~ damagedi>, kereta itu rosak teruk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hardened | <i>adji> 1. <i> solidified,i> sudah keras: <i>~ concrete,i> konkrit yg sudah keras; 2. <i>made tough, unfeeling,i> bersikap keras; 3. <i>resolute,i> sudah teguh; 4. <i>callous,i> tdk berhati perut: <i>a ~ criminal,i> penjenayah yg tdk berhati perut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
severity | <i>ni> 1. <i>harshness, sternnessi>, keras: <i>the ~ of the punishment did not worry himi>, hukuman yg keras itu tdk membimbangkannya; <i>he lost his patience and spoke to her with some ~i>, dia hilang sabar dan bercakap pd gadis itu dgn agak keras; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sticky | stiff <i> adj i> 1. <i> difficult to bend, not flexible,i> keras: <i> a shirt with a ~ collar,i> kemeja yg keras kolarnya; <i> my new boots are still ~,i> but baru saya masih keras; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
toil | <i>vii> 1. <i>work hard and long,i> bekerja keras: <i>the labourers who ~ in the fields,i> buruh-buruh yg bekerja keras di ladang; <i>after ~ing for many years it was hard to adjust to a life of ease,i> setelah bekerja keras bertahun-tahun lamanya, memang sukar baginya utk hidup cara mewah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
severe | <i>adji> 1. <i>(of person, person’s looks and actions) stern, harshi>, keras: <i>a father who was very ~ with his childreni>, seorang bapa yg terlalu keras dgn anak-anaknya; <i>a ~ sentence may deter would-be crinalsi>, hukuman yg keras mungkin dapat menghalang orang drpd menjadi penjenayah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hard | <i>advi> 1. <i>so as to be firm, solid,i> sehingga keras: <i>to boil the eggs ~,i> merebus telur sehingga keras; 2. <i>with great effort,i> dgn sungguh-sungguh: <i>try ~ to complete the task,i> cuba bersungguh-sungguh utk menyelesaikan tugas itu; <i>I thought ~ about the problem but could not find a solution to it,i> saya telah berfikir dgn sungguh-sungguh ttg masalah itu tetapi belum mendapat penyelesaiannya; work ~, bekerja /keras, kuat/; 3. <i>with force,i> dgn kuat: <i>he pulled the rope ~,i> dia menarik tali itu dgn kuat; 4. <i>closely,i> dgn teliti, betul-betul: <i>if you listen ~ you’ll be able to hear what they’re talking about,i> jika kamu mendengar dgn teliti, kamu akan dapat mendengar percakapan mereka; 5. <i>fixedly,i> tajam: <i>the headmaster stared ~ at the boy,i> guru besar merenung tajam pd budak itu; 6. <i>heavily,i> dgn lebat: <i>it rained ~ last night,i> hujan turun dgn lebat malam semalam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
headstrong | <i>adji> 1. <i>self-willed,i> keras kepala, degil: <i>a ~ child,i> budak yg keras kepala; 2. <i>rash,i> melulu, terburu-buru, tergesa-gesa: <i>a ~ action,i> tindakan yg melulu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |