heaviness | n 1. weightiness, beratnya: the ~ of the package made us curious, beratnya bungkusan itu membuat kami ingin tahu apa isinya; 2. state of being weighted, burdened, berat: a feeling of ~ in the head, rasa berat kepala; 3. ponderousness, slowness, lembap, lambat; 4. sadness, kesedihan: ~ of heart, kesedihan hati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heavy | adj 1. weighty, berat: the load was too ~ for one man, beban itu terlalu berat bagi seorang lelaki; 2. as if weighted, burdened, berat: my head feels ~, kepala saya terasa berat; 3. ponderous, clumsy, lembap, lambat; (of gait, footstep, etc) berat: a ~ tread, langkah yg berat; 4. large and powerful, berat: ~ weapons, senjata berat; ~ guns, meriam berat; ~ vehicle, kenderaan berat; 5. forceful, kuat: a ~ punch, tumbukan yg kuat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hard | adj 1. firm, unyielding, keras; (of body, muscle, etc) pejal, keras: the ground was ~ because of the drought, tanah itu keras akibat kemarau; a ~ mattress, tilam yg keras; ~ muscles, otot yg pejal; 2. severe, unkind, keras; (of words) kasar: his father was a ~ man, bapanya keras orangnya; be ~ on so., bersikap keras thdp sso; 3. forceful, kuat: a ~ blow on the head, pukulan yg kuat di kepala; 4. performing st with great intensity, persistence, etc, kuat: a ~ worker, orang yg kuat bekerja; a ~ drinker, orang yg kuat minum arak; a ~ smoker, orang yg kuat merokok; 5. requiring much effort, berat: ~ work, kerja yg berat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |