big-headed | adj besar kepala. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
big-head | n (colloq), (orang yg) besar kepala. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
head | put /our, your, their/ ~s together, sama-sama /berunding, berbincang, bermuafakat/: if we put our ~s together, we can come up with a solution, jika kita sama-sama berunding, kita akan mendapat penyelesaian; a swollen ~, besar kepala; take it into o’s ~, a. (to do st), tiba-tiba tergerak di hati sso: he took it into his ~ to go on a holiday, tiba-tiba tergerak di hatinya utk pergi bercuti; b. (to think st) tiba-tiba terfikir; turn so’s ~, make so. conceited, menyebabkan sso lupa diri; weak in the ~, berotak lembam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
-headed | adj 1. having a head or heads, berkepala: a large ~ animal, binatang yg berkepala besar; a two~ calf, anak lembu yg berkepala dua; 2. having specified mind or intellect, kepala: big~, besar kepala; thick~, dungu, bebal; cool~, sentiasa tenang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
above | ~ all (else), (yg) terutama, terpenting, yg paling /utama, penting/: he was a writer, a politician and ~ all a good father, dia penulis, ahli politik dan yg terutamanya dia bapa yg baik; ~ and beyond, (rhet) lebih (besar) drpd: his contributions to the country were ~ and beyond what was expected, sumbangannya kpd negara lebih besar drpd yg dijangka; ~ ground, masih hidup; /be, get, rise/ ~ os, besar kepala: you had better do something about that boy, he’s getting ~ himself, kamu patut berbuat sesuatu utk menasihati budak itu, dia sudah mula besar kepala. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
big | ~ brother, abang; ~ sister, kakak; ~ toe, ibu jari kaki; be ~ with child, sarat (mengandung); have a ~ heart, pemurah dan baik hati; in a ~ way, secara besar-besaran; be too ~ for o’s /boots, breeches/, besar kepala; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
head | n 1. (part of body) kepala; 2. the uppermost part, a. (of river) hulu; b. (of spring) punca; c. (of ladder, staircase, nail, pin) kepala: he was standing at the ~ of the staircase, dia berdiri di kepala tangga; these nails have extra large ~s, kepala paku ini lebih besar drpd yg biasa; d. (of page) bahagian kepala; 3. farthermost part, a. (of table) kepala; b. (of pier, jetty) hujung; 4. part where the head rests, bahagian kepala; (of bed) kepala; 5. bow of ship, haluan; 6. cutting part, mata: the ~ of an axe, mata kapak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disproportion | n ketidakseimbangan: the ~ between a large head and a small body, ketidakseimbangan antara kepala yg besar dgn badan yg kecil. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
great | adj 1. big in size, extent, etc, (sangat) besar: this ~ lump of rock just missed my head, batu yg besar ini nyaris-nyaris mengenai kepala saya; a ~ gathering of all the clans takes place every year, perhimpunan yg besar suku-suku kaum diadakan setiap tahun; there has been a ~ change in him lately, terdapat perubahan yg besar pd dirinya akhir-akhir ini; a ~ contribution to the world of science, sumbangan yg sangat besar kpd dunia sains; drug addiction is a ~ problem, penagihan dadah ialah satu masalah yg sangat besar; the ~ majority of, sejumlah besar: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bony | adj 1. of, consisting of bones, terdiri drpd tulang: the ~ structure of the head, struktur kepala yg terdiri drpd tulang; 2. having many bones, banyak tulangnya: ~ fish, ikan yg banyak tulangnya; 3. having large or prominent bones, kurus; (of face, cheek) cengkung: a big, ~ man, lelaki yg berbadan besar dan kurus; 4. with little flesh, kurus: ~ fingers, jari-jari yg kurus. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |