come-down | n 1. fall in status, rank, prosperity, etc, martabat [sso] jatuh, jatuh martabat: he had to give up his yacht and his Lamborghini– what a ~ for him!, dia terpaksa menjual kapal pesiar dan kereta Lamborghininya – jatuh martabatnya!; 2. (colloq) anticlimax, mengecewakan: after the fabulous time they had in Costa Brava, it was a real ~ to have to go back to work, setelah berseronok-seronok di Costa Brava, sungguh mengecewakan apabila terpaksa balik bekerja. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
push | ~ /so., st/ over, menolak jatuh /sso, sst/ dr; (accidentally) tertolak jatuh: he ~ed the car over the cliff, dia menolak jatuh kereta itu dr cenuram tersebut; some elderly people were ~ed over in the stampede, beberapa orang tua tertolak jatuh semasa orang ramai lari bertempiaran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fall | n 1. act, instance of dropping, a. (gen) jatuh(nya); break o’s ~, menampan jatuh sso: a thick bush broke his ~, pohon yg rimbun menampan jatuhnya; have a ~, jatuh: he had a ~ from the horse, dia jatuh dr kuda itu; in the ~, /semasa, ketika/ jatuh: he was badly hurt in the ~, dia cedera teruk semasa jatuh; b. (of tree) tumbang(nya); c. (of leaves) gugur(nya), luruh(nya): the autumn ~ of leaves, daun-daun gugur dlm musim luruh; d. (of fruit) gugur(nya), jatuh(nya): the ~ of an apple from a tree, epal gugur dr pokok; e. (of tower, roof, etc) runtuh(nya), roboh(nya): a large crowd watched the ~ of the tower, orang ramai melihat menara itu runtuh; f. (of rain, snow) turun(nya): a heavy ~ of snow, salji turun lebat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sink | 5. decline, jatuh; (in status) jatuh martabat; (in morality) menjatuhkan maruah: wages had sunk to subsistence levels, gaji telah jatuh ke paras sara hidup; the value of the dollar had sunk, nilai mata wang dolar telah merosot; how could he ~ so low as to do a thing like that?, kenapa dia sanggup menjatuhkan maruahnya sehingga begitu sekali dgn melakukan perkara spt itu?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crash | vi 1. (of aircraft) have violent, noisy accident, jatuh terhempas; 2. fall or hit st noisily, (of glassware, crockery, etc) jatuh berderang; (of structure, rock, etc) jatuh berderak; (of wave) berdebur: the glass slipped from his hand and ~ed to the floor, gelas itu terlepas dr tangannya lalu jatuh berderang ke lantai; 3. move noisily and violently, meluru merempuh: the wild boar ~ed through the undergrowth, babi hutan itu meluruh merempuh semak; 4. make loud shattering noise, (of applause, drums, etc) bergemuruh; (of thunder) berdentum; 5. collapse, jatuh: many companies ~ed during the economic recession, banyak syarikat yg jatuh semasa kemelesetan ekonomi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tumble | vt 1. cause to fall, (act.) menyebabkan [sso] jatuh /bergolek, berguling/; (pass.) jatuh /tergolek, terguling/: the force of the blast ~d him over, kekuatan letupan itu menyebabkan dia jatuh tergolek; the car overturned and ~d them all out onto the road, kereta itu terbalik dan menyebabkan mereka semua jatuh tergolek di jalan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sicken | vi (old-fashioned) fall ill, /jatuh, menjadi/ sakit; (of adult, esp if old) jatuh sakit, menjadi /sakit, uzur/; (of animal) menjadi sakit: soon after his arrival the immigrant ~ed and died, tdk berapa lama selepas dia sampai, pendatang itu jatuh sakit lalu mati; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
plummet | vi 1. plunge, fall steeply, jatuh menjunam: the aircraft ~ed into the sea, kapal terbang itu jatuh menjunam ke dlm laut; fuel stocks ~ed during the strike, saham bahan api jatuh menjunam semasa berlaku mogok; 2. deteriorate, merosot teruk: his popularity ~ed after the incident, kepopularannya merosot teruk selepas peristiwa itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
spill 1 | /have, take/ a ~, jatuh terpelanting: halfway down the slope the skier had a ~, peluncur salji itu jatuh terpelanting semasa jalan menuruni cerun itu; the bicycle skidded on the ice and the cyclist took a ~, basikal itu terbabas di atas ais dan penunggangnya jatuh terpelanting; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drop | vi 1. drip, menitik, menitis; 2. fall, a. (gen) jatuh: a flower-pot ~ped on his head, pasu bunga itu jatuh di atas kepalanya; b. (of leaves, fruits, bombs) gugur, jatuh: the leaves are beginning to ~, daun-daun mula gugur; 3. collapse, rebah: he will work till he ~s, dia akan bekerja sehingga dia rebah; 4. die, gugur: he saw his comrades ~ping all around him, dia melihat rakan-rakannya gugur di sekelilingnya; 5. decrease, fall, jatuh, turun: tin prices ~ped last year, harga bijih timah jatuh tahun lalu; 6. become softer, menjadi perlahan: his voice ~ped, suaranya menjadi perlahan; 7. abate, reda: the wind has ~ped, angin sudah reda; 8. cease, terputus: we’ve let the correspondence ~, kita telah membiarkan hubungan surat-menyurat terputus; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |