f ollow | 4. be true as a logical consequence, kesimpulan: everybody thinks that he murdered the old lady but I don’t see how that ~s from the statements that the witnesses have made, semua orang fikir bahawa dia yg membunuh wanita tua itu, tetapi saya tdk nampak bagaimana kesimpulan ini boleh dibuat berdasarkan keterangan para saksi; it ~s that, bererti, bermakna: she’s not in her room but it doesn’t neccessarily ~ that she hasn’t come to work, dia tdk ada di biliknya, tetapi itu tdk semestinya bererti dia belum masuk kerja; 5. imitate, mengikut: the ABC Bank took the initiative and the other banks ~ed, Bank ABC mengambil inisiatif dan yg lainnya mengikut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
get | ~ on, a. also ~ onto, mount, board, naik: there’s nothing to be afraid of, ~ on!, apa yg hendak ditakutkan, naiklah!; b. (become late) lewat; (elapse) berlalu; (of year) hampir berlalu: it’s ~ting on. Why don’t you go to bed?, hari sudah lewat. Pergilah masuk tidur; time is ~ting on and our work is nowhere near finished, masa berlalu dan banyak lagi kerja kita yg belum selesai; c. (of person) grow old, /semakin, beransur/ tua: he is ~ting on in years, dia semakin tua; d. advance, [various translations]: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |