elder | n 1. (in pl) older persons, orang yg lebih tua, orang tua-tua: to respect o’s ~s, menghormati orang yg lebih tua; 2. influential person in tribe, community, orang tua-tua; (chief) ketua; 3. (in Protestant Church) pegawai gereja. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aged | adj 1. old, tua: an ~ man, seorang lelaki tua; the ~, orang-orang tua: a home for the ~, rumah utk orang-orang tua; 2. of, characteristic of old age, tanda tua: ~ wrinkles, kedut-kedut tanda tua; 3. of the age of, berumur, berusia: a boy ~ twelve, budak lelaki yg berumur dua belas tahun. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ageing | adj 1. becoming old, meningkat tua: her ~ husband, suaminya yg meningkat tua; 2. rel to growing old, tua: to slow down the ~ process, melambatkan proses tua; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
decrepit | adj 1. enfeebled by old age and infirmities, tua dan uzur: a ~ man, lelaki yg tua dan uzur; a ~ horse,kuda yg tua dan uzur; 2. dilapidated, ramshackle, uzur: a ~ building, bangunan yg uzur; a ~ old bus, bas yg tua dan uzur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intervene | vi 1 . interfere in order to prevent conflict etc, campur tangan: the boys had come to blows before their father ~d, budak-budak itu sudah bertumbuk barulah bapa mereka campur tangan; at times the village elders were forced to ~ in family disputes, kadang kala orang tua-tua kampung itu terpaksa campur tangan dlm pertelingkahan keluarga; 2. interrupt (flow of speech) mencelah, menyela: may I ~ for a moment?, boleh saya mencelah sekejap?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
age | vi 1. become old, menjadi tua: he ~d rapidly after his illness, dia cepat menjadi tua selepas sakit; 2. mature, menjadi matang: some wines ~ better than others, setengah-setengah wain menjadi matang lebih baik drpd yg lain; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hag | n 1. hideous old woman, perempuan tua yg hodoh: she used to be a beautiful woman, but now she is a ~, dia dahulunya wanita yg cantik, tetapi kini dia perempuan tua yg hodoh; 2. witch, ahli sihir (perempuan). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
council | n 1. (UK) local authority, (of a town) majlis perbandaran; (of borough, county, district) majlis daerah; (with modifier) majlis: the ~ threatened to pull down the squatter huts that had sprouted out on the outskirts of the city, majlis perbandaran mengugut akan merobohkan rumah-rumah setinggan yg tumbuh bagai cendawan di pinggir bandar; are you still on the ~, adakah kamu masih menjadi ahli Majlis Perbandaran; ~ flat, rumah pangsa majlis perbandaran; town ~, majlis perbandaran; local ~, majlis tempatan; city ~, dewan bandar raya; 2. group of people elected or appointed to make decisions, rules, etc, majlis: the UN Security C~, Majlis Keselamatan PBB; student ~, majlis pelajar: a ~ of elders, majlis orang tua-tua. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ancient | adj 1. of early origin, kuno, purba, purbakala: ~ customs, adat-adat kuno; ~ artefacts, artifak purba; 2. very old, a. (of person) sangat tua; b. (of thing) sangat lama: this is a very ~ house, rumah ini sangat lama; c. (of tree) sangat tua; an ~ oak tree, pokok oak yg sangat tua; 3. (esp rel to period before the fall of Western Roman Empirei) kuno, purba, purbakala: ~ Greek philosophers, ahli falsafah Yunani kuno; literature both ~ and modern, kesusasteraan purba dan moden; ~ history, a. sejarah /purba, kuno, purbakala/; b. (fig.) cerita /lama, basi/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
infirmity | n 1. state of being physically or mentally weak, kerengsaan, lemah, tdk berdaya: old age often brings ~, biasanya sso menjadi lemah apabila tua; 2. spec form of weakness, penyakit: deafness is one of the infirmities of old age, pekak ialah salah satu penyakit yg dialami semasa tua. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |