compete | vi bersaing; (in contest, competition, race, etc) bertanding: to ~ in business, bersaing dlm perniagaan; to ~ for so’s affection, bersaing utk mendapat kasih sayang sso; the college team ~ed against our school team, pasukan maktab itu bertanding menentang pasukan sekolah kami. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
competitive | adj 1. of, rel to, based on competition, bersaing; (tech) bersaingan; (in sports) pertandingan: private colleges tend to be ~, kolej-kolej swasta cenderung bersaing; ~ prices, harga bersaingan; ~ market, pasaran bersaingan; ~ badminton, badminton pertandingan; 2. liking to compete, suka bersaing: she’s ~ by nature, memang perangainya suka bersaing. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contest | vi compete, a. (in business etc) bersaing: there is no way we can ~ with electronic giants like Hitachi, kita sama sekali tdk mungkin dapat bersaing dgn syarikat-syarikat gergasi elektronik spt Hitachi; b. (in competition) bertanding: six students are ~ing for the prize, enam orang pelajar bertanding utk merebut hadiah itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contend | vi compete (for prize, title, power, etc) beradu, bertanding; (in business) bersaing: the boxers are ~ing for the world title, petinju-petinju itu bertanding utk merebut gelaran sedunia; our firm is too small to ~ against the international companies, firma kami terlalu kecil utk bersaing dgn syarikat-syarikat antarabangsa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contending | adj competing, bersaing. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
abreast | adv seiring, beriring(an), bersaing, berdamping(an): they walked two ~, mereka berjalan berdua-dua seiring; /come, draw/ ~ of, (datang) menyampingi: a police car drew ~ of the lorry, sebuah kereta polis datang menyampingi lori itu; in line ~, sejajar (dlm satu baris); keep ~ /of, with/, (fig.) mengikuti: to keep ~ of the latest developments, mengikuti perkembangan-perkembangan yg terbaru; to keep ~ of the times, mengikuti (aliran) zaman. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
emulous | adj 1. designing, aiming to equal others, suka mengikut jejak: boys ~ of their fathers, anak-anak lelaki yg suka mengikut jejak bapa mereka; 2. characterized by spirit of rivalry, bersaing(an), bertanding: ~ of fame, bersaing utk memperoleh kemasyhuran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
draw | ~ /bit, bridle/, pull up a horse, menarik tali kekang; ~ comfort, berasa lega; ~ the line, menentukan batasnya: you must ~ the line somewhere, kamu mesti menentukan batasnya; ~ level, bersaing: as we drew level I could see that he was sweating heavily, apabila kami bersaing, saya nampak bahawa dia bermandi peluh; ~ near, mendekat, merapat, menghampiri + approp n; (of time, event) hampir tiba, sudah hampir: it was only as we drew near that we noticed a second passenger in the car, apabila kami mendekat barulah kami ternampak seorang lagi penumpang di dlm kereta itu; the time for the interview is ~ing near, masa temu duga itu hampir tiba; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
competition | n 1. act of competing, persaingan: there was keen ~ for the contract, ada persaingan hebat utk merebut kontrak itu; in ~ with, bersaing antara; (in contest, race, etc) bertandingan dgn; 2. event persons compete in, pertandingan: a ~ in essay-writing, pertandingan menulis esei; 3. person(s) competing with so., saingan, pesaing. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
keep | ~ up with, a. keep up to date with, mengikuti: he still ~s up with what is going on, dia masih mengikuti apa yg sedang berlaku; b. stay even (in competition etc) menyaingi, bersaing: he walked so fast I could n | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |